Chapter 171

Ewan cautiously glanced at the end of the alley. “Who’s there?”

Panicking, I quickly turned around to hide. But suddenly, someone covered my mouth and dragged me into a store next to the alley.

“Told you you’d regret marrying Steven,” Michael’s voice came from behind me.

I was slightly startled. Then, I frowned and stared at him warily, anything better to do, Mr. Ford?”

“Don’t you have

“I’m just passing by,” Michael said in a playful tone as he took a mango–flavored lollipop from the shelf and handed it to me.

He probably mistook me for Stephanie again. He knew that Stephanie had a low blood sugar issue, so he thought that I’d need a lollipop like Stephanie too.

But ironically, he wasn’t aware that Stephanie was allergic to mangoes.

“Are you mistaking me for someone else, Mr. Ford?” I asked in a low tone.

Michael remained silent.

“Don’t you know that Stephanie Carlson was allergic to mangoes, Mr. Ford?” I sneered.

past him without

Michael stood frozen for quite some time. But suddenly, he walked toward me and grabbed my wrist. “I’m asking you to divorce

dragged me to his car and

alley and got into a

started following Ewan’s

the years. And whenever Steven got into trouble, Ewan

Stephie gave you the keys to her house and confided in you so much… she must

but chuckle. Michael was putting up

Chatter 171


Ford.” I said skeptically, “Stephanie grew up with you, and

but no

and the back of his

how could you be so cruel to her? Didn’t it even hurt you a bit? Would you be so cruel

all, my heart had gradually found peace, so I


silence, Michael said in a low voice, “I loved her.”


catch it.

was quivering. “But… I wasn’t the one she loved. She stayed with me out of obligation.

stunned as I glared at Michael, fuming with rage.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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