Chapter 204

Yasmin cried and seemed very emotional. She held Lois, who looked pale and was crying non–stop. Her tears were even more genuine than those of people who had lost their family members.

I frowned at her. Her behavior was very inappropriate.

“Stop crying! He’s not dead yet,” I said with a frown.

Upon seeing me, Yasmin acted aggressively, eagerly approaching me like a hungry dog ready to attack.

I wanted to slap her till her face was skewed. But before I could do anything, someone pulled me away and held me in his arms.

Steven stared at Yasmin without emotion, giving off a scary vibe.

Yasmin got scared when she saw Steven and decided to give up her unreasonable actions. She backed away in horror. “It’s him, Mrs. Ford… He’s the murderer!”

Lois glared at Steven.

Yasmin seemed to have a way with the elders. Lois quickly assumed that Steven was responsible for the car accident. Without hesitation, she moved forward and slapped him. Although Steven stood his ground when protecting me, he ultimately accepted the slap.

Lois still planned to slap him again, but I stepped forward and held her wrist. “Mrs. Ford, Yasmin is one of

individuals responsible for Stephanie’s death. Do not trust anything that Yasmin

sure he’s the murderer!” Lois said angrily, visibly shaken and

was killed by him, and so was Stephie!” Louis hated Steven and even wished to

Lois from

the murderer because he was trying to

acting. She took every opportunity to impress Lois in


and Michael were madly in love,

way to bully me. Due to the marriage contract, she refused to approve

that Lois was the key

a jinx. Michael is still alive, but you’re crying

elevator and returned, she heard Yasmin

was foolish and Michael was stabbed to protect her.” Rachel was furious with Yasmin, wishing to confront her.

Chapter 204

associates of the murderer, They’re

to believe that Steven was the murderer and the lunatic, glaring at him fiercely. If someone hadn’t come out of

warily watching them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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