Chapter 216

“Do you have a high 107 Are you deliberately trying to give the impression that you’re intelligent by dressing as if you are attending a funeral? Steven asked at the door.

Rachel and I were left speechless with astonishment. Steven was so composed and confident while criticizing others.

Eason’s body momentarily tensed, but then he turned to face Steven and broke into a sudden smile “Oh Aren’t you my old classmate? Have you finally been released from the asylum? It seems you still lack basic manners.

“It appears your parents‘ negligence in not keeping you on a loan continues to endanger others”

Eason and Steven were extremely hostile toward each other.

that Steven’s father passed away in a car accident, and his mother’s fate remained a mystery. She abandoned him at the orphanage’s doorstep when he was just a child.

eloquently. Did you grow up independently? I furrowed my brows, observing his discourteous behavior. Had he not been raised with any

he fixed a penetrating gaze upon me. After a considerable amount of time, a burst of laughter came from him. “Steven, you haven’t changed a bit. You still have

likely mocking me

the hospital bed, Michael’s complexion was ashen as he requested for everyone to leave

saying, “Mr. Ford, rest well.

front of me. “You know, you and Stephanie do look

me and was clearly doing so


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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