Chapter 139
Sophie tried to speak, but it was extraordinarily difficult.
She opened the car door and climbed out with effort, the white smoke from the car making her cough incessantly.
Once outside, Sophie’s first sight was James unconscious in the driver’s seat, his forehead smeared with blood and several other injuries visible on his body.
*James!” Sophie cried out, immediately rushing to open the car door to pull James out. “James, wake up! Please, wake up!”
Looking around, Sophie realized they were alone. Only their two cars had collided. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw James’ car starting to leak fuel, a foreboding feeling rising in her heart. She quickly shook James’ shoulders. “James! We need to get out! James!”
James furrowed his brow and managed to open his eyes, seeing Sophie’s tense face before him. His memory was fuzzy, but he felt like he had seen her face somewhere before.

It had been too long, and he couldn’t remember clearly.
Sophie’s voice sounded both near and far, “Can you move? We need to get out! The car is going to explode!”
Flames were already visible at the back of the car. James couldn’t utter a word, so Sophie, seizing the moment while he was still lucid, used all her strength to drag him out..
“You go first. You can’t help me. James’ voice was weak. He was in the car, and it was clear that his leg was trapped.
Sophie quickly realized this, “James, are you just going to give up? What about Nichole if you die here?”
James pressed his lips together.
Sophie said, “Nichole has only you to rely on. If you die, I’ll make sure she’s left alone. Do you hear me?!”
It seemed that Sophie’s words amused James. A bitter smile appeared on his face.
During the accident, not a single thought of Nichole had crossed his mind. All he could think of was Sophie. James was still unmoved, so Sophie clenched her teeth, “James, I don’t want to be a widow. If you die, il remarry the next day.” James’ hand twitched at this, as if sparked by a will to survive. Sophie continued, “After all, Colby likes me. If you die, I’ll marry him and. let everyone in Devonport laugh at you, James.” James breathed heavily for a moment, finally extending his arms towards Sophie in resignation, “You’re really heartless.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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