Chapter 171
Dutvide the hotel, „Jenna asked. By the way Sophie, whem are you staying tonight? Going back to the Burke stalo?”
Sophie shook her head. After tonight’s Incident, returning to the Burke estate would just be asking for trouble.
Harold said. “That’s perfect, it’s my birthday tomonmw Why don’t you stay at my place?”
ophie was surprised. “Your birthday? How come you’ve never mentioned it before?”
“He’s never beer, fond of celebrating his birthday and he’s never invited friends over to stay.” Gordon said with a light smile. “It’s late, and it would be inconvenient for both of you to go home now. Why not stay at our place tonight and leave after the birthday party tomorrow
After saying this, Gordon glanced meaningfully at Sophie.
Sophie’s heart s k i e d in beat. Why did that look seem so strange?

Tomorrow 5 Corporation was hosting a masquerade ball, and the invitations had already been delivered to the hands of various business executives
Could it be that Gordon suspects her connection with S Corporation?
Sophie shook her head at the thought. She had managed S Corporation affairs well and her identity was concealed perfectly. There was no way Gordon could know.
Jenna said, “Sophie, that’s a great idea. If we’re at the Aldridge estate, even if James wants to call you back in the middle of the night, he definitely couldn’t sn at c h you from the front of the Aldridge estate. Let’s go.”
Sophie nodded
Joy was written all over Harold’s face as he said, “Then I’ll have the guest rooms prepared right away. My place is big, and I’ll take you guys for a tour tomorrow.”
Sophie was distracted, her thoughts were all on tomorrow’s masquerade ball.
She couldn’t shake off the feeling that Gordon knew something. Thinking this, Sophie looked up and found herself meeting Gordon’s gaze again. His gazes seemed like a deep, unfathomable cold pool, making her feel timid.
That evening. Sophie and Jenna arrived at the Aldridge estate. They had been there once before for a jewelry gala, but only now did Sophie realize how vast the Aldridge estate truly was when she saw the clean and tidy grand lobby.
“Sir,” the maid approached Harold.
“Are the rooms ready?” Harold asked.
“Mr. Gordon had instructed to prepare two guest rooms before he left. If Ms. Sophie and Ms. Jenna aren’t satisfied, we can rearrange
Harold was puzzled, “My brother had instructed you before he left?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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