Chapter 298

“At all costs. I just want Sophie!” James‘ expression darkened, “Since Colby wants to back Sophie, then I’ll have to go toe–to–toe with the Costello family in a fight to the end.”

Sophie was his and his alone. He would not allow anyone else to touch her. Especially not Colby!

In the Russell family, as Colby’s people gradually withdrew, Jessica, drenched in sweat from fear, patted her chest and said, “That scared me to death, how can those people be so rude! Sophie, if you ask me, you should have a proper talk with James. What if he doesn’t give up?”

“This matter doesn’t require your worry, Jessica.” Sophie’s demeanor was calm as she pulled Colby along, saying, “Come upstairs with


The usually proud Colby obediently followed behind Sophie, like a big wolfhound. Seeing this, Perry thoughtfully said, “Is Colby dating Sophie?”

“Are you crazy?” Jessica exclaimed. “Do you know who Colby is? How could he possibly fall for Sophie? Sophie just divorced”

“So what if she’s a divorcee? Aren’t you and I both in our second marriage?”

That’s different.”

and Perry started arguing downstairs.

room, closing the door behind her, and asked, “Why are

she hadn’t notified Colby to come

must have deliberately leaked them

coming from Colby, it

that information early on, naturally, she had to use it to let James find

in a low voice, “Given James‘ character, he would deal with

over?” Sophie frowned slightly,

a moment, “Adler said, making an entrance as the hero saving the damsel

has been

door to let Colby go, but

Colby pressed her against the wall, his voice carrying a hint of petulance, “Who is the

just now.”

gaze, “I didn’t say who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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