Chapter 373

Today, she had established her own comparty, with the finest talents of Russell Enterprises, the oldest brands under the company, and its stronghold in Devonport

The next day, Sophie had imnsferred five billion dollars into the accounts of several directors who had resigned from the board.

Russell Enterprises officially declared bankruptcy.

Instantly, media outlets from all comers were vying to report on the matter, each eager to get Sophie’s take on the bankruptcy

At that moment, Sophie was stepping out of her car, ready to head into the office, as microphones from various media outlets almost poked her in the face.

“Ms. Sophie, do you have any comments on the bankruptcy of Russell Enterprises?”

“It’s said that Mr. Perry embezzled over one billion and misappropriated billions! He’s facing decades of prison time. What’s your take on this?”

are rumors you’re remarrying Mr. Burke. Is there any truth

respond and

from the

said, “Now that the Russell family is bankrupt, what

further rumors about both you and Mr. Burke having affairs. Do you have any

the camera, looked into the lens, and said with a smile, “Though the Russell family has declared bankruptcy. I have my job at S Corporation. I hope everyone can let

response instantly won

even on the way to work. What’s wrong with

bad debts were blamed on her. Let

really not considering a debut as an artist? She’s so beautiful! Absolutely stunning

through some of the cornments when Tricia came in and said, “All the money has been transferred to the accounts of the retired shareholders.

the backbone of Russell Enterprises, deserving of significant



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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