Chapter 384

“I’ve got it.” Sophie pondered for a moment before speaking, “Have someone check the police records and see if there are any women of Nichole’s age who were jailed for prostitution recently.”


Tricia was puzzled. What did this have to do with prostitution?

Sophie remembered that in her past life, Ricardo found Rowena, and the newspapers indeed identified Rowena as a prostitute. She was presumably jailed for solicitation and then suffered from illness in prison. She struggled for more than half a year before she passed


Looking for prostitutes of Nichole’s age should yield some results.

“Just do as I say. I think we might uncover some clues.”

“Alright, Ms. Sophie.”

Though Tricia didn’t understand, she went ahead with Sophie‘


“Do you suspect the real Rowena was

her identity, the most likely scenario is that she did it during the time she was

who she might have met there? It wouldn’t be the first time

seemed to have grasped the key point of the

Sophie shook her head and said, “Let’s not tip our hand just

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“What do you mean?”

all the way to Devonport to find Rowena. How could he be

“Maybe he didn’t have time to think

feels like there’s something off. Let’s

moment, the sound of the door opening came from the living room. Adler walked in, his nose red from the cold. “It’s

Where’s Colby?” Jenna looked around but didn’t see


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you mean? Why weren’t you

to come first and look after you guys! He went off on his

you let him go alone! Don’t you know his temper? What

been scolded by him, now

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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