Chapter 444

“Okay, let’s change the subject”

Sophie swiftly pulled out her smartphone, which displayed an electronic signature between Julian and Aldridge Global, complete with a sealed stomp.

“Take a look is this your contract?”

“It is mine.”

Julian clearly saw his own signature

Initially, his mother had pushed him into the entertainment industry, and finding Aldridge Global was a stroke of luck. He signed with them without hesitation, unaware of the industry’s complexities.

He retumed the phone to Sophie and asked, “Where did you get this contract?”

“Do you want to leave?”

“Leave? And go where?”

“Ricardo has already invested in this project. Your debut with Aldridge Global is almost impossible.” Sophie laid out the gram reality for Julian. “What awaits you is endless sidelining. I reckon your family isn’t wealthy; you’ll be dragged down sooner or later and then forced to pay a hefty penalty. If a reputable entertainment company takes you in, you might find a way out. But whether you’ll become a ster remains uncertain.”

you suggesting?”

that he’d incur a net loss on this project in three


furrowed his


like Aldridge Global. How could they

trusted me, and now he’s a leading actor.”

“You mean… Reece?”

nodded, then added, “If you decide to leave, I

“What’s that?”

but you have to agree to one

*…Go on.”

the male trainees to leave

was shocking, but Julian only paused briefly before asking. “How can I

a group


y least, they’ll

a check already filled out with an amount of

enough to cover

“Alright, I agree.”

a sigh of relief. She needed Julian’s help to inflict a net wasn’t sure how to proceed with the

net loss on Ricardo. Without him,

had just returned to her dorm when she was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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