Sophie settled back into her office chair, her mind clearly elsewhere from work.

Tricia cleared her throat, saying, "Ms. Sophie, if I may be so bold, our reality show is about to start filming soon. You'll be spending a lot of time with Mr. Burke. Perhaps it's wise to... give Colby a bit of a heads- up."

Sophie glanced at the reality show proposal on her desk. "Once Upon an Ex," and with a flick of irritation, snapped the document shut. "Let him in."

"Right! I'll tell the reception to accept that delivery of flowers!"

"Come back!" Sophie frowned deeply. "Did I say to accept the flowers? Tell him to take them back."


Tricia, looking somewhat regretful, turned to leave the office.

"Come back!"

"Ms. Sophie, is there anything else you need?"

"...Have him park his car in the parking lot. All those flowers are too conspicuous."

"Yes, Ms. Sophie."

After Tricia left the office, Sophie sighed as she looked down at Colby from her office window, feeling a tightness in her chest.

She had gone straight home last night, shutting Colby out. Today, he had followed her to S Corporation, and If she didn't see him, who knows if he would follow her to the filming location. That would complicate things.

Sophie poured herself a glass of water, turning back only to find herself in a warm embrace.

voice hoarse.

the plaintiveness in Colby's voice, Sophie found her anger

were arguing last

scared of

but his sincerity in moments like these was rare. Sophie

a smile finally broke across Colby's face. He wasn't afraid of anything

"What about the flowers?"

Could you

so, Sophie handed Colby her apartment key card. She

"Of course."


gotten wind of the situation. Bea, looking at the photos in her

convertible filled with flowers parked in front of S

Sophie's apartment. He was clearly involved

photo showed a man and Sophie sitting in a car, sharing a

I got

see who it was? Who is

know? I'm just the

Bea took a deep breath and handed over the money. "Keep an eye on Sophie. If you find out

of course, I'll keep a close watch on Mrs. Burke!" The paparazzo pocketed the money and quickly left

table, Marian couldn't help saying, "Bea, could

these photos?

Sophie really can't stay put. James was willing to overlook past disagreements to reconcile and look at her! Keeping a boy toy on the side! So much for being a lady of a

Marian stayed silent.

tell James to come home and get Sophie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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