Chapter 814

Hearing this, Jonah could only stick close to Odie, his eyes fixed warily on Colby standing before them.

“If you’re here to get back at me for Sophie, go ahead and try,” Odie taunted as he plopped down on a nearby couch, paying no mind to the pain shooting up his injured leg.

Guys like them were used to brawls and bruises–what injury hadn’t they survived? Odie didn’t believe for a second that Colby would kill him, the head honcho of the Mintons, all over a woman.

As Colby moved closer, Jonah stepped in to stop him, but one icy look from Colby froze him in place, like some invisible force had locked him down.

know why I haven’t killed you yet?” Colby

could answer, Colby whipped out a syringe and jabbed it into Odie’s arm, catching

Jonah snapped out of his trance, but it was too late. Colby had already emptied the syringe

color. He tried to stand and take a swing at Colby, but his leg gave out, and Colby easily grabbed him by

it wasn’t for some old ties, you’d be dead already,” Colby said,

shot of poison!” Odie spat, grinding his teeth in

for a second. It was all because Sophie was strung out on drugs. Without a new fix, she’d be writhing in

can ease Sophie’s pain with more drugs? Well, guess what, buddy, you’re not

on Gøøglᴇ to

drugs, but he was dead wrong. Colby would never let



shove, he sent Odie sprawling back onto the couch. “Think about yourself first. I promise, your suffering

drug’s were something else–pure and highly addictive. Breaking free was nearly impossible. While Colby didn’t have those exact drugs, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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