Adler didn't waste a second. He called Colby right away and told him to get back to Aldridge Estate ASAP, under the cover of night.

Things had blown up. Nobody in Devonport knew yet, but Colby's crew had been keeping a close eye on things overseas. They were ready to give a heads-up at the first hint of trouble.

It was late when Colby and Sophie rushed back, and Sophie was carrying a small Golden Retriever.

Jenna raised an eyebrow. "Where've you two been at this hour? And what's with the Golden Retriever?"

The pup tilted its head, taking in the scene inside the house.

Sophie put Dawn down on the floor. "We adopted him. Now, what's this trouble overseas?"

Gordon, sitting at the desk, replied, "Some minor groups have been stirring things up. We caught wind early and managed to contain it, but there's still unrest." Sophie frowned. "Just some minor groups?"

Before Gordon could respond, Adler cut in, "Of course not! Those groups are just pawns. The real culprits are the remnants of the White family's distant relatives!"

"But didn't Colby deal with them when he took over?" Sophie asked.

They're not really fighting for the White family; they're after their own gain. But to

pointed look. "This situation is fishy. You've been away from the international scene for a while, and suddenly this happens. Someone's definitely

added, "Colby's been nothing but kind to Vanessa,

Odie," Gordon corrected.

clout. She's just a front. The real mastermind is

enough trouble? He's still stirring things

looked at Colby. "Colby, what's your

handle it myself," Colby said

think this through. If

not wanting to leave Sophie, which is

chimed in,

underestimates women. He

I'm not

to take charge overseas. With Colby gone, Odie hopes to team up with James, find a

got a point. That's why I'm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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