Deep into the night, at the Minton family's overseas residence, Sandy warmly linked arms with Vanessa as she led her up to the guest room on the second floor. "I had this room prepped for you first thing this morning. Make yourself at home," Sandy said with a smile.

Vanessa glanced around the luxurious room, feeling a bit uneasy. "But... this is the Minton family's overseas villa. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for me to stay here?"

Sandy waved off her concerns. "What's the big deal? You're my best friend. Staying here is nothing. Even if you moved into our main house, my dad wouldn't bat an eye. Besides, it was Odie's idea to have you here, not mine."

Mentioning Odie made Sandy's expression turn sour.

"Sandy, Mr. Odie is the CEO of the Mintons and your fiancé. You should show him some respect," Vanessa reminded her gently.

"Respect him? Don't make me laugh. Odie's background is so low, he's not even fit to carry my shoes," Sandy scoffed. "I really don't know what Dad was thinking, arranging for me to marry someone like Odie. "Sandy..."

"Don't forget, Vanessa, Odie was nothing but a lowlife from the slums. Uncle White only kept him around because of Colby, treating him slightly better than a dog. Even if Odie's climbed up the ranks, he's still a dog at heart, with lowly blood running through his veins!"

Sandy laughed coldly, completely unaware that Odie was standing right behind her.

standing behind Odie, had a dark look on his face. He was about to


turning around. Seeing Odie, she showed no sign of panic. Instead, she lifted her chin arrogantly. "What


came from the slums, at least he's the legitimate eldest son of the Costello family, barely worthy of Vanessa. But you? You're just

"Ms. Sandy,

Believe it or not, I could have my dad cut out your tongue and feed it to

Odie, watching Sandy's arrogance,

is indeed noble. It's only natural that the Minton family's servants are not fit

Pass on my

is to speak with Ms. Sandy, to avoid sullying

turning to leave but not before shooting Sandy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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