"Are you seriously thinking about picking a new manager from that bunch?"

"Someone who'd do anything for their own gain? No way I'd let any of them near that position."

"Then why are you even..."

Sophie didn't get to finish her sentence before she put two and two together. Colby was playing a clever game, letting others do his dirty work for him.

In the end, Oran would be taken down by those staff members. And they'd end up turning on each other for the manager's spot. None of them would make it out alive. "Wow, Colby. I tell you not to take lives, and you go and have others do it for you?"

"Honey, I'm innocent," Colby said, looking all hurt. "If they didn't have those greedy thoughts, why would they even resort to violence? People like that aren't worth mourning."

As he said this, Colby stretched out his hands, showing them off. "My hands are clean, haven't done a thing wrong."

"You've got some nerve!" Sophie poked Colby's forehead.

Colby just grinned and took Sophie's hand. "I know I was wrong. Don't worry, I've got eyes on it. No one's dying."

"That's more like it."

Colby's position meant many things were out of his control. But if she could, she wished he'd cause less harm so

where are we

take you to see a good

held Sophie's hand as they

at Costello Corporation


over and balding, looked like a respectable middle-aged man but had a lecherous

it, it's still

coy, but Dominic was already impatient, his hands roaming. "Daytime? Who cares? The

finish, the office


"It's me."


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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