"Caelum, have you spoiled Sandy so much that she's become totally uncontrollable?"

It wasn't until Sophie had left that Bea finally aired her grievances, albeit in a more roundabout way. A young girl was rude to her and actually hit her? That was a lifelong humiliation!

"Bea, I've definitely let Sandy get out of hand, and I truly apologize for what happened today," Caelum said soothingly. "Why don't you head back to the guest room and rest? I've already called for a doctor to check on your face."

Caelum's gentle words managed to calm Bea's anger, but the memory of Sandy's harsh words still stung. "You are an old friend. I only thought of coming to you, since I don't know many people here. I didn't expect Sandy to misunderstand... What must others think of me now?"

"Don't worry about it. We're just old friends, after all. Nobody here dares to gossip about the Pollard family," Caelum reassured her.

Caelum's casual reference to them as 'just old friends' left Bea feeling a bit bitter. If only she hadn't made that rash decision years ago to choose that cold workaholic Duncan. Maybe she could have been the lady of the Pollard family, a family no one dares to cross.

Though her current life wasn't bad, the thought of her unloving husband and rebellious grandson made Bea regret her choices.

even surprising herself. She quickly turned and went back upstairs, sulking like a

his head. Kingston, standing beside him, remarked, "Sir, this isn't a long-term solution. If Miss Sandy finds out, she'll throw a fit every time

she chose someone else, and he moved overseas Decades had passed, and whatever fondness he had felt had long

the young


was now just

with a

a stranger he once knew. But it was clear

way, make sure to take good care of that Russell girl. Don't let

"But, sir..."

brothers, back in Devonport. His granddaughter is like


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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