"...No way," Jonah said. "From what we heard earlier, Sophie likely relapsed on our new drug. Once you try it, you're hooked for good, especially if it's a relapse."

"You're right." Odie picked up the newspaper again. "Sophie's just bluffing. She's too proud to admit she can't kick the habit and too ashamed to ask for help. So, she's taking the easy way out by coming back on her own."

"Good point, boss."

"Let her stew for a bit. If she asks to see me, tell her I'm busy."

"Got it."

Jonah left the room.

By 8 p.m., the kitchen had prepared dinner and delivered it to Sophie's room.

Sophie watched the spread of dishes on the cart and nodded in approval.

cherry foie gras, filet

Costello, here's

I was hoping for smoked fish, salad, and a couple of veggies burgers. Oh, and I

told you to prepare such a lavish dinner for her?" "Huh?" The maid was taken aback. "Wasn't it Mr.



back, Sophie had already started on her steak complimenting between bites, "The Minton


Sandy when he brought me into the Minton home that I was a distinguished guest. And distinguished guests, naturally, get distinguished treatment." Sophie sipped

here willingly.

partnership if you'd

you want to

just thinking that the maid, Polly, who served me before was quite good. Did she come along?" Sophie mentioned this casually. Jonah replied indifferently, "She's

doors and windows. It shouldn't be a problem to have a maid stay with me, right?" Jonah took a deep breath and said, "We can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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