Sandy was dead set on kicking Sophie out. She didn't want to make Vanessa look bad in front of Odie yesterday, but today, Sophie had to go!

"Are you really letting me go? Fine, then I'm leaving," Sophie said, heading towards the door with a mocking tone. She hadn't even taken two steps when Odie's voice rang out from upstairs, "Hold it right there."

Sandy snapped, "Odie, what are you doing? I told her to leave. Didn't you hear me?"

"Mrs. Costello is a distinguished guest of the Minton family. It would be incredibly rude for her to leave dressed like that," Odie replied as he walked down the stairs. He gave Jonah a look, and Jonah came forward to drape a shawl over Sophie's shoulders.

Odie continued, "I have plans to go out tonight. We can have someone drive Mrs. Costello home. How does that sound?"

Sophie stayed silent.

Sandy glared at both of them, her irritation growing. "Odie, are you deaf? I want her out now!"

Sandy was used to giving orders, but Odie shot her a cold glance that made her words catch in her throat.

Vanessa, sensing the tension, quickly interjected, "Mr. Odie is right. It would be rude for her to leave like this. Let him arrange for her to be driven home tonight."


say you wanted to go shopping today? I'll go with you. By the time we get

suggestion made Sandy pout, "Alright, but only because you asked.

Vanessa forced a smile.

his voice and said, "Aren't you going upstairs? Or do I need to escort

I'm so unwelcome,

She turned back to give Sandy a



shouted, "Sophie! What's that supposed to mean? You better explain yourself! You..." "Sandy!

arrogantly in my house. Just wait until I tell Daddy. He'll make sure you get

a sense of relief. The only thing that worried

found out

the Minton's

the social ladder by connecting with the

would be crushed.

calculated correctly. Given how much Caelum adored his daughter, he would never let Sandy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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