Polly frowned, "Fine, I'll give you your phone back when you're ready to leave."


"I'm doing this for your own good, Sophie. If Odie searches your room and finds this phone, we're both toast. I'm just trying to keep us safe. I hope you can understand."

Sophie sighed and said, "Alright, I agree. But you better keep that phone safe. No slip-ups."

"Don't worry. I'll guard it with my life." Then, Polly turned and left the room.

Late at night, in the Pollard family's study.

"I'm done with studying! That's it!" Angelo, frustrated, hurled a throw pillow at James.

James, lounging on the couch, effortlessly dodged the pillow.

"Get familiar with the Pollard family's share distribution, analyze the market prospects, and back it up with evidence. Prepare a detailed explanation of the recent financial statements, identify current issues, and outline our strengths and weaknesses."

James' tone was calm, as if he were discussing something trivial. He closed his book and added, "Finish this, then you can go to bed."

Angelo was exasperated, "Come on! How am I supposed to finish all this in one night? When you say 'sleep,' do you mean tomorrow night?"

one night, one hour.

as he gritted his teeth,

family like the back of my hand, so I

don't believe you!" Angelo shot back, "The Pollard family's

"What's one plus one?"


it's as simple

boast before, but this was next level. "If you're so capable,

have fifty-eight minutes

You're even

could be real siblings.

instead. I

better fit than me."

probed, "By the way, who's the person you

know! Tell me, maybe I

James stayed silent.

bet it's

that, James paused, his hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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