Sophie spoke, keeping a close watch on Odie's face. When he nodded in agreement, she finally let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Odie sure had a talent for handling men, but when it came to women, he seemed to lose his touch. The story she spun was so far-fetched even Vanessa wouldn't buy it, yet Odie swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

"Alright, I'll believe you," he said, tossing a small bottle to Sophie.

Inside was a red pill, just like the new drug Gordon had mentioned. These drugs, disguised as innocent candies, were being sold without raising any alarms.

Odie watched Sophie and said, "Still, I can't shake my doubts. If you've somehow kicked your habit, then everything you just said is a lie. Why don't you take one right here, to prove you're on the level?" Sophie noted the gleam of amusement in his eyes but quickly formulated a plan. "You, of all people, should know the dosage you've been giving me. It's been less than a month; not even a miracle could cure me that fast."

Odie, propping his chin on his hand, replied, "I know exactly how much I've been giving you, but I need to see you take it. Colby, injected me with this stuff and got me addicted. I deserve a bit of payback, or it feels like I'm letting you off too easy."

Sophie hesitated, then said, "I... suppose I could, but you can't watch."

"Why not?" he asked.

are too strong. Every time I take them, I lose control... and

looked embarrassed, his gaze darting away. "Just take it. I

distraction, Sophie let the pill slip down her sleeve and slyly retrieved a candy hidden inside her

you have to supply


candy, Odie scrutinized

"Still here? Are you hoping to see

to stoop to assaulting a woman." He

"Boss, did

front of She should

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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