"So, you never relapsed. You and your spouse set a trap, huh? Waiting for me to walk right into it?"

"Mr. Odie, I gotta give it to you, you're pretty sharp when you want to be."

Though, not often enough.

Sophie gave a small smile and said, "Mr. Odie, do you think we can leave now?"

Odie, grinding his teeth in frustration, couldn't find the words to respond. Sophie feigned surprise and said, "Oh right, I guess I don't need your permission."

Turning to Colby, she smirked and said, "Honey, let's go."


Colby walked beside Sophie.

One of Colby's men held a knife close to Polly's throat, her face pale as she was forced to follow them.


Polly's face was ghostly white, but Odie didn't even glance her way, letting Colby's man take her.

Odie disregarded her safety completely, and Polly's expression grew even more distressed.

Odie coldly said, "Colby, take her, but make sure this place is cleaned up."

"The cleaning crew will be here

Minton family's grand entrance, Odie stepped back, growing more infuriated by the second. Jonah, standing by his side, said,

we do?


useless bunch at home can

"...No, they can't."

I just


little trick, but in the end, he

do they even come

us. If she's in their hands, what

won't find out anything." Odie wasn't the least bit worried, "There's no evidence. Her testimony alone

on that phone, or do you think I would've let Daniel's

he first





Polly had informed


care much

useless to

belongs to en.swnoventent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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