Bea had been scheming from overseas, and Sophie knew it. What she didn't see coming was a journalist airing the dirty laundry online, sending it straight to the top of the trending charts. Bold move, really. "Let me take a look," Colby said, stepping out of the bathroom while drying his still-damp hair. He glanced at the news on his phone and nodded seriously. "Catchy headline."

"Let me find out who published it," Sophie said, tracing the original post back to its source. When "Emerging News" popped up, she froze.

"Emerging News? Isn't that Angelo's paper?" She couldn't believe it. "Angelo's behind this?"

Colby looked over. "What's up?"

"I spent fifty million to buy that newspaper. So..."

So her own paper was spilling her secrets? This was a big deal in the news world.

Meanwhile, over at the Pollard family home, Angelo was on a tirade in his study. "Are you all out of your minds? Who gave you the green light to release that story? Not only did you publish it, but you also pushed it with a ton of traffic! Are you trying to make sure the whole country knows?"

"Boss, we thought the headline was great and it would stir up a lot of discussion. We just wanted to make some money... Why are you so angry?"

my go-ahead first!

should run with it immediately so we don't

heart attack. How had he ended up with such clueless reporters at

second, Angelo panicked.

easy, but there's a

snag? What mess have you

is... we've already



and they're out for distribution. No way to pull


be kidding me! It's only been half an hour and

We printed and pushed them out right away. Made a good chunk

outrageous! Absolutely unacceptable. When get back to Devonport, I'm giving them a piece of my mind! You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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