Odie scowled, his face a thundercloud.

"Babe, I think we've had enough drama for one night. I'm gonna go start the car."

"Alright," she replied.

As Colby made his way out, he threw a glance at Angelo. It was just a fleeting look, but it sent chills down Angelo's spine. Colby had a presence that was hard to ignore.

How on earth could anyone think the Pollards could stand up to Colby? Even the boldest member of the Pollard family felt a shiver in his presence. What chance did anyone else have?

"Mr. Pollard, you remember the deal where I forked out fifty million for you to work for me, right?" Sophie asked.

"Of course," Angelo replied nonchalantly.

Sophie looked puzzled for a moment, prompting Angelo to quickly add, "At Emerging News, I definitely remember."

"Good to know," Sophie said, turning on her heel and walking away.

Angelo stood there, scratching his head. She asked just that and left?

place cleaned up. We're outta here," Odie commanded, clearly losing interest in the event. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped and

disbelief. She had lost her best friend Sandy and tarnished her reputation abroad

Odie wanted to call it

arm. "You promised me! You

did promise, but only

at Angelo, who straightened up under Odie's

Pollards, not a

dares to side with me now. So, the engagement doesn't really matter anymore," Odie

"But I-"

Vanessa, we're done. And unlike Colby, I hate dealing with trouble. If you come

hall without

immediately looked at Sandy.

call my name! From now on, you're not my

to Angelo, she said, "Bro, let's

all filed out of the hall, leaving Vanessa alone in the


his Bentley was missing its rear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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