"Absolutely," Odie said with resolve. He stood up and added, "Let's get going. Now!"

"Right away, boss," Jonah replied, giving a small shake of his head as he followed Odie. It was unusual for Odie, who normally didn't care about appearances, to be so worried about dignity and reputation. It was clear that he just needed an excuse to justify what he wanted to do.

At Minton Estate, Odie hopped into the car, and once Jonah had fired up the engine, he asked, "Boss, where are we headed?"

"How should I know? Didn't Vanessa tell you over the phone?"

"Nope, she didn't say a word..."

An awkward silence filled the car.

Meanwhile, in an abandoned factory...

glanced at Sandy and sneered, "The Pollards aren't here yet. Guess Kiran

him a furious look. "Bullshit! My brother loves me more than anything! He will definitely come

in touch with Colby," Ricardo muttered, pulling out his phone. He was contemplating where Colby should drop off the money so he could retrieve it later. Suddenly, headlights pierced

come for me!" Sandy exclaimed,

was Logan, dressed in a sharp suit with the Pollard family crest on his chest and wearing a mask that gave

a Pollard? Could it be that the man she saw at

but didn't

the money?" Ricardo

Ricardo quickly yanked Sandy in front of him as a human shield. "Hand over the money first! Or I'll kill her!" he

Sophie watched Logan intently,

that something

merely slighted, Kiran showed up with a large group to resque her. Now, with Sandy kidnapped, Kiran had only sent

Logan was still silent, Ricardo's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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