Devonport Police Station.


Odie slammed his foot into the table, yelling, "I'm not here to buy machines, dammit! I'm not one of you Devonport folks! I'm here to help you catch a crook, got it?"

The two interrogators exchanged glances, clearly thinking he was out of his mind.

One of them, staying calm, asked, "Tell us about the severed hand and the machine found in the box."

"I've told you a thousand times, I'm helping you catch someone! Why the hell are you detaining me?"

Odie, known for his short fuse, was fuming. All he could think about was who had set him up. Answering questions was the last thing on his mind.

The interrogator ignored his outburst and pressed on, "How many times have you transported these machines? Who's the buyer? And the seller?"

"I'm the president of the Mintons, ever heard of the Summerfield Minton family? And you're detaining me? You're asking me who the seller is? I damn well want to know who's been moving machines out of my company!"

"So, the machines belong to your company?"


angry laugh. "Fine, call Colby!

mention Sophie and Colby, the two interrogators glanced at each other. Meanwhile,

on the study's sofa, stunned. "What? Odie got arrested

out of a crime movie.

hopping around frantically on the beach-what a hilarious scene

"And then?"

munching on popcorn, listened as Colby said, "The station mentioned that Odie wants us

picking him up? He got caught transporting


Jenna nodded in agreement.

commented indifferently, "Could you guys possibly discuss this somewhere other than my

Estate in

could live there for a year and still not use every room. One more or one less

whole machine situation cleared up. If

don't want to go!" Adler waved his hands

"Why not?"

don't want to see

I've heard the head of the Mintons is

put on a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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