Colby's crew ushered the guests from the back rooms to the front.

"Take them to the station. Chief Miller will want a word with them," Colby ordered.

"Got it, boss."

As one group after another was led away, Colby glanced at the staff being held down. "You gonna spill the beans, or do I have to make you talk?"

"I'll talk! I'll talk!"

One of the staff members quickly raised his head. "Boss, a few of us from the docks just wanted to make some extra cash. A mate mentioned a businessman was opening an arcade. He said if you joined as a franchise, paid the fee, you'd run your own gig. No need to worry about setup or machines. But there was a catch-you had to be a local from Devonport and have some connections."

"Connections to me, right?" Colby pressed.

"Not just you... the Aldridge family, Tredgold family, Dennis family, even the Russells... anyone with some pull."

man couldn't meet Colby's

It was clear that someone was out to smear their reputation. Unable to attack them directly, they decided to corrupt from within. They'd use their

two-pronged attack: make money off them and then weaken their manpower and reputation

let you run the place

rigged so we could

weeks to monitor the

"What's your

shop is small, but we handle at least a hundred grand

larger, the monthly profits could be astronomical. Suddenly, Gordon's words came to mind. "In an hour, with just a deck of cards, I can make twenty grand. So, imagine a casino's hourly

big because he

with a variety of gaming machines and

could rake

you have to give them at least half or a third of your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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