Sophie and Chief Miller stood outside the police station, waiting together. Sophie had her arms crossed, feeling pretty annoyed.

"Just a chat, huh? Why did they have to kick everyone out of the station for that?"

She was not happy. These two men were definitely hiding something from her.

A moment later, Colby walked out, with Odie right behind him. Odie shook his handcuffed wrists and said, "Unlock these."

Colby looked at Chief Miller and said, "Go ahead, unlock them."

"Colby... the key..." Chief Miller said, looking uncomfortable.

"We don't have the key!"

"Oh, I have it right here." Sophie pulled out the key, handed it to Chief Miller, and Odie was promptly set free.

Odie shook his wrists and walked off without another word.

at Odie and asked,

Colby replied, pulling

Sophie kept glancing at Colby, who was behind the wheel. "What did you

stuff," Colby said, making a zip-your-lip


I already knew that. He doesn't have the brains

secrets?" Sophie's curiosity was immediately

one hand to tap Sophie's forehead. "Not here in the

were easy to bug. They'd talk back at Burke

Burke Manor, the study was packed. Adler and Jenna were cracking nuts and craning their necks. Jenna said, "I knew you'd come back, so neither of us

drag me into this if


rubbed his temples, looking exhausted. Being the head of the Aldridge family meant he barely got any sleep as it was, and now this chaos. He really shouldn't have let them

"Odie told me the Mintons' secrets. He came

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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