The switchblade had barely missed Colby's right side, and blood was already starting to ooze out.


A group of police officers rushed in, quickly surrounding James. James raised his hands, but his eyes were fixed on Sophie, who was anxiously tending to Colby. Sophie turned to James, the instigator of it all. "James! Are you out of your mind?"

She had imagined countless ways James might come after her, but she never thought he would stoop so low to take her out for the sake of Burke International. James said coldly, "It's a pity I couldn't kill you, but this should repay Colby for stabbing me before."


"Take him away!"

The police immediately escorted James to the squad car. Medics arrived shortly after, and Colby, noticing Sophie's teary eyes, gently brushed her hair and smiled, "I'm fine, it's just a scratch."

"The blade went in, and you call that a scratch? Who told you to follow me? Idiot!"

Sophie hit Colby on the shoulder in frustration, causing him to finally kneel on the ground.

Colby managed a weak smile, "Honey, your punches really hurt."


when he was stabbed, but now he's making a big deal out of a slap. He was clearly

nonchalantly said, "Ah, it's nothing. The blade

so much blood, and the blade went all the way in!

Sophie's words, William immediately corrected himself, "You're right, it's serious. It almost hit the


the Burke family's

did you say? Arrested? How could

a bad feeling all evening.

the company, asking for a lawyer to


International would know about Mr. Burke's arrest.

has been out of sight t days, how

Explain it

Mr. Burke assaulted someone

when he heard the news! Out of the blue, why would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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