Sophie shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but keeping them close is always a safe bet. We're not restricting their freedom, just keeping things under reasonable control." At that moment, Adler came downstairs, saying, "Why are we just chatting in the living room? Let's watch some TV."

With that, Adler turned on the television.

The TV blared with the latest news report.

"Burke International's CEO is suspected of murdering his wife and is currently missing. The police are investigating, and the case is developing."

Hearing the news, Jenna and Adler instinctively looked at Sophie.

Adler quickly raised his hands, looking panicked. "I swear, it was random! I just turned on the TV and it happened to be this news!"

"Alright, chill," Jenna lightly scolded Adler. "Murder or not, this screams fake news. Someone like James getting his hands dirty? Please."

Sophie frowned and immediately headed upstairs.

She saw the study door closed, with Rick standing guard. "I need to see Mr. Gordon," she said.

Gordon is unwell

"Cut the crap."

pushed past Rick and opened the

by foreign doctors checking on him. Sophie

Please, leave for now. Once he wakes

just yesterday, Gordon looked

condition fluctuating

Seeing her downcast expression, Colby stood behind her, massaging her shoulders. "Is it because of James's news?" he asked, his tone

Not wanting Colby to

Sophie explained "I'm not worried about him. I just feel that doing this... it

was no longer any tie between her and

life, she never believed

took over Burke International, she would

have a point.

my wife owe him a favor.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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