Sophie felt the machine start its work on her face, and after a bit, she finally spoke up, "This machine is pretty amazing. I don't think I've seen one like this anywhere else." "It's our company's own invention, all air-freighted," the manager replied.

"Which company is that? Maybe I know it."

"We're a branch of Mintons Ltd, a reputable and certified company. You can trust us, ma'am, it's safe and reliable."

Sophie listened intently and then said, "I have a friend in this business who's interested in getting some of these machines. Would that be possible?"

"Well..." The manager hesitated, "All our equipment is supplied directly by our company and isn't for external sale."

"Really? That's too bad." Sophie sighed, "My friend is looking for a good machine, even willing to pay a premium. I thought this one was great, but I guess not..."

Seeing Sophie's disappointment, the manager asked, "How many units does your friend need?"

"We're co-founding a chain of salons, each needing at least fifty operational machines. So, we're looking at a starting order of five hundred units, plus other beauty devices. Definitely over a thousand units in total."

cost for over a thousand units would run into

typically allowed, I do have

the same manufacturer,

same machines, all air-freighted. Just bypasses

"Alright, give me that contact info. If the deal goes

mention of a finder's fee made the manager ecstatic. Even though she worked in a high-end salon serving wealthy clients, generous ones

leaving, she added the

in a suite

has gone to Victoria," Jonah


she's there for some high-profile

said, taking a bite of his apple and glancing at the financial reports on his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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