Chapter 982

Chapter 982

Late night at the Burke Estate.

Rick led James to Gordon's study.

Tonight, there wasn't a single Aldridge family member on guard. Seeing Gordon's laid-back demeanor, James asked, "Aren't you worried about getting caught inviting me over?"

Jenna, Adler, Angelo, and Sandy had all been staying here recently. If Sophie and Colby were to return in the middle of the night, there'd be no way to keep this meeting a secret. Gordon, unruffled, replied, "Colby's still in the hospital, thanks to you. They won't be back anytime soon."

"What about Angelo and Sandy?"

"Isn't Angelo your guy? Are you really worried he'll rat you out?"

Gordon always had this knack for being in control, making it hard to read his mind.

Rick offered James a seat and poured him some tea.

continued, "By taking action, you've completely turned Sophie against you. With the media buzz, your position as CEO of Burke International is on the line.

shot a glance at Gordon and said, "I don't believe

the burden of the Aldridge family fell on someone else, they'd be exhausted in three days. Thankfully, it was Gordon in front of

idiot. If you suddenly tried to kill her today, she'd definitely

the one who always puts the Burke family's interests first.

brief silence,

incident, once

period is up, and

over Burke International, no one will have anything to say. After all, Sophie has the backing of Devonport's four major families. She's the head of S

International. With Colby watching

and the


they signed earlier, Burke

the CEO

record of attempted murder.

money is what truly matters. Whether Burke International still carries the Burke name doesn't mean much to

matter doesn't need

show your face. I've prepared a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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