Chapter 984

Chapter 984

James was never the type to run from trouble, but the way Rick spoke, it was hard to doubt him. With a serious look, Rick said, "Mrs. Costello, if you don't believe me, you can send someone to the police station to check. He really has escaped. The boss already sent people after him. As long as he doesn't leave Devonport, it should be easy to handle."

"Sweetheart, is the car here yet?"

Behind them, Colby limped out, causing Rick to momentarily lose his composure before quickly regaining it. "Colby, the boss asked me to escort you both back." "Oh, thanks a lot."

Colby tossed his cane to Rick and offered his arm to Sophie. "Honey, walking's tough for me. Will you be my crutch?"

Sophie looked at his outstretched arm, then back at his affectionate gaze. "Colby, cut it out. I'm still mad at you, and you're pushing your luck."

Colby put on a wounded expression before turning to Rick. "My wife's not in the best mood. Let's not talk about anything that'll upset her more. Go start the car." "Yes, Colby."

Once Rick left, Colby leaned against Sophie weakly. "Honey, I really can't walk anymore."

Seeing Colby's pitiful state, Sophie finally helped him. "James was taken by the Burke family. Something's definitely off. Bea left in a huff last night after I told her off. How could she come back so quickly to bail someone out? And James would never just run away."

"Honey, talking about your ex in front of me? Aren't you afraid I'll get jealous?"

talking about him make you any less jealous? I'm just stating

My conscience

the subject.

sigh, he admitted, "I knew you'd


condition, you should sit in the front where I can

sit with my

Rick's suggestion and got into

shook his

continued, "So, what's really

responded from


ten minutes. If the

bumpy, bear

bear with all

aren't you usually a smooth

a bit rough

the gas, and the car started to jolt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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