Watching Sophie, who had clearly pieced everything together, Colby sighed and said, "Babe, can I lie?"


Getting a firm no from Sophie, Colby pulled out his phone. The screen showed a series of calls from an unknown number from the night before. But to Sophie, this number was all too familiar. "James... really put on quite the show," Sophie said, her voice calm.

Later, at the Burke Estate....

Rick walked into Gordon's room, unable to hold back his words. "Sir, you need to step in."

"Step in for what? He brought this on himself," Gordon replied, his face expressionless. "I didn't force him."

"But if this keeps up, Colby's going to bring down the entire Aldridge family!"

Gordon rubbed his temples, feeling a headache brewing. He really shouldn't have let all these people move in.

"Go check on him."

"Yes, sir."

in the living room, expertly throwing

paring knife from the table, and

throw it?" Colby replied coolly,


mess in the living

break stuff, do it at

respond. Gordon added, "You brought this on yourself. Who else

off suddenly. He shot Gordon a cold look. "Wanted to

were a mix of resentment

right, she must've gone to look for James. Otherwise, you wouldn't

the paring knife into the apple on the fruit platter with such force that it shattered the


the stairs without a backward glance. It might have been an accident, but at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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