Sophie quickly drove to the East Dock, where she decided it was best not to show her face. Instead, she signaled for Odie to step out of the car.

Odie glanced at the line of thugs at the dock, his expression souring. "Why didn't you tell me they had this many people here?"

"Relax, Mr. Odie," Sophie said calmly. "Most of these guys are still Mintons' insiders. With you here, you can easily sway them, right?"


Holding back his frustration, Odie noticed many of the thugs had the distinctive Mintons tattoo, indicating they were indeed traitors within the organization. Selling off Mintons' machinery was a serious violation of his principles. If it weren't for the mission to clean house today, he would have turned the car around.

Odie got out, pulled out his phone, had a quick conversation, and then walked toward the dock. The leader, seeing Sophie hadn't come but just a bodyguard, was visibly annoyed.

"What's the meaning of this? Sending just you to pick up the goods?" he snapped.

There was a whole shipload of machinery, which couldn't be moved without at least twenty dock workers. Odie, wearing a hat, kept his expression hidden.

large tattoo on his arm, demanded. Just as he was about to push Odie, Odie spoke

his cigarette to the ground.

went back to the ship and, along with a few others, brought a crate

don't pay the balance today,

and, sure enough, it

made Odie sneer. It seemed

under his nose!

got a ton of other business to attend to," the leader said arrogantly, with his underlings looking

that Mintons' machinery isn't

do you know

factories. It doesn't matter if it's a hundred, a thousand,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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