"Jenna sighed, 'They've already got a stranglehold on half the entertainment industry's resources. The artists at Reeves International are being worked to the bone. If they take over our share too, those poor folks will be absolute workhorses! Even working around the clock wouldn't be enough to get everything done.'

Sophie nodded, 'To capitalists, artists are just money-making tools. They don't care about their well-being. Since Reeves International's artists are mostly newbies, they're not commanding high rates in the market. After the company's layers of exploitation, what they earn is peanuts compared to their workload. Meanwhile, our artists have been on paid vacations, traveling for the past two months. Do you think those artists at Reeves International are happy about that? They're genuinely talented, but they're stuck doing assembly-line work. Under such intense pressure, their skills might slip, and the quality of their work will suffer. For both actors and artists, once they stop producing standout work, they're on a downward spiral. Their popularity will fade, and advertisers will ditch them for us.'

'Absolutely,' Adler chimed in. 'If Reeves International wants to bite off more than they can chew, let them! When their artists can't meet advertisers' demands or start having problems, they'll face massive penalties. One artist crashing is one thing, but if twenty-eight of them crash, that's billions in penalties! Reeves International will have to cough up everything they've earned recently!' Adler felt a thrill at the thought.

For the past few days, several advertisers had been playing hard to get. Now, finally, he wouldn't have to pander to them. Let those advertisers regret jumping ship to Reeves International! Sophie turned to Reece and said, 'Reece, you can't take a break.'

Reece poured himself a cup of coffee and replied, 'Yeah, I know. Can't just sit around doing nothing.'

Sophie continued, 'Reece, you're our rock, aiming for international stardom. With you, S Corporation won't lack international resources, and our value will skyrocket. I want all companies to know that Reeves International can only handle the cheap brands, while S Corporation is where international superstars are made. We dominate both domestic and international markets. High-end brands see that and will choose us, naturally offering higher rates. In the end, one of our advertisers will be worth ten of Reeves International's, and our workload will be a fraction of theirs.'

Jenna snapped her fingers, 'Got it, Reeves International goes for volume, we play the scarcity game!'


like printing

but using

They're not


the news that S Corporation's advertisers had switched to Reeves

lounging in her


"They've all switched


try to stop

opposite her, Griffin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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