Colby leaned in, his lips just meeting Sophie's when the bedroom door suddenly swung open. "Colby! Sophie! You have to see this news!"

Frozen in their embrace, Colby and Sophie turned their heads in unison towards the door, where Adler stood.

Catching the scene, Adler coughed awkwardly, his gaze involuntarily shifting upwards. "How strange, where has everyone gone during the day? I'll go check downstairs again."

As he closed the door behind him, Adler didn't forget to add, "Top trend on the news! A star from Reeves International, Aryan, lashed out at a fan!"

Hearing this, Sophie immediately grabbed her phone from the side.

Sure enough, the headline #AryanAttacksFan# was trending number one, creating a buzz all over the internet.

Sophie clicked on the top trend.

The linked video showed a fan filming at the airport, where Aryan was being greeted by a crowd, many holding banners. Although the airport wasn't overcrowded, Aryan snapped after hearing fans chanting, "Aryan, Aryan, we love you," hurling his water bottle to the ground and yelling, "Are you all idiots? Has no one loved you? All you know is to follow around, shouting love, love, love - love your mother! Get lost! All of you, get lost!"

it torn up by him instead. Before leaving, Aryan

he snatched an endorsement from Reece, touted for being younger and more vibrant. Quite the trendsetter, now a top-tier

can change a person, especially since


only option

elsewhere. The folks at Reeves International wouldn't let

Aryan hasn't slept in three days, and fans have been bothering him even on

with a

have her artists share their vacation photos had indeed unsettled


the more likely they were to slip

afternoon, Sophie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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