Sophie and Colby were whispering something up front, and Angelo quickly squeezed out of the crowd. It was his first time experiencing such enthusiastic fans, and he found himself overwhelmed. He kept yelling, "I'm not your brother! I'm not! I'm just a passerby! A passerby!"

No matter how loud Angelo got, the fans around him had no intention of letting go. With a face as sunny and handsome as his, anyone would mistake him for a celebrity.

Meanwhile, Jenna and Adler were in an even worse situation. They were obviously a striking pair, and they had dressed to impress. Jenna's mature glamor immediately caught the eye of many male fans, while Adler's handsome face and trendy playboy attire were simply irresistible.

It took the staff of S Corporation a good twenty minutes to finally make their way out of the airport, all the while surrounded by enthusiastic fans.

"Goodness, I've never been welcomed this warmly in my life! Women go crazy when they're star-chasing!" Angelo said, wiping lipstick off his face. He had no idea who had grabbed his neck and kissed him. "Don't talk! You men are the same, coming up and calling out 'wife.' That's too forward!" Jenna retorted.

"What? Someone called you 'wife' just now?" Adler immediately got anxious. "Which bastard!"


pushing Adler away. With so many people crowding them at the airport, Adler wasn't as effective as she

Estate, they found it eerily quiet. Adler stopped a maid and asked, "Where's your master?

master went out

wondered. "Where would he

conducted meetings online, even for major events. It was rare for Gordon

be a dinner hosted by Reeves International tonight, inviting major companies to attend. The invitation is on the table; if you wish to go, just go ahead, no need to

gaze fell on the coffee table in the living room. Hearing about the dinner,

loved lively

party. She immediately stepped forward, picked up the invitation, and@aid,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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