After a while, Odie still hadn't heard any noise from downstairs.

Finally, he asked, "Haven't Sophie and Colby come in yet?"

"They should have," came the reply.

"Then why hasn't anyone come to greet me?"

"Boss, aren't you... not going to welcome them?"

Jonah had been struggling to figure out what was going on in Odie's mind lately. Odie had been a walking contradiction these past few days. He talked a big game about not wanting to go, but he still ended up attending Sophie and Colby's wedding.

This time, he had no plans to hurt Colby, yet insisted on saying it was all intentional.

Even inviting them to stay and recover was done reluctantly.

"Why should I care? If they want to stay, they stay; if not, they can leave."

Odie stood up, his voice icy. "I'm hungry. Get someone to make dinner."

"... Yes, sir."

descended the stairs, he noticed Sophie was nowhere to

glanced her way and asked, "Have Sophie and Colby gone back to

but they've gone back to the same

Colby were sharing a room made Odie furrow his brow. "Didn't I ask you

she and Mr. Colby are married, so

to explain further. Call them down

earlier that they've already eaten, so they won't be. having dinner. Besides, Mr. Colby is injured. Ms. Sophie said he won't be coming down for meals for a

they thoughtful," Odie said with a

meals so meticulously, she really

that thought, Odie stood up. "Bring my meal to my

had just brought the food over when he saw Odie heading upstairs. Jonah paused

anymore. Bring it up," Odie

"... Yes, boss."

Upstairs, in the room.

had already wheeled the cart in. Sophie glanced at the food on the cart. It was indeed lavish, but it seemed less extravagant than the meals she had during her last visit.

maid was taken aback

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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