1. A Bar Fight.

Gerald stares at me from across the room as I sit on the pristine couch on top of a fluffy towel that had been spread on it so that I won’t accidentally stain it with blood.

That is still steadily dripping from the various cuts on my person.

Coraline sits next to me, dabbing a ball of cotton to the deepest ones on my face, specifically my forehead and cheeks. There is a small dustbin on the ground next to her, half filled with used, red-stained cotton. On her lap is a first aid kid, haphazardly put together by Gerald who’d run to the pharmacy nearest to the hotel after Coraline and I came crashing into his hotel room, her shocked and trying to support my weight while I tried to stay upright.

“What the hell happened?” Gerald questions, still panting a bit from his run to the pharmacy.

“A bar fight,” I answer with a wince, and Coraline tsks.

“Don’t move your head,” she advises, discarding the pink-stained cotton ball and taking another from the packet in her other hand, “I just got this one cut not to bleed. I still say we need to get to the hospital.”

“They’re just some cuts and bruises,” I assure her, “nothing fatal. It’ll heal soon, besides, this isn’t the first time I got roughed up.”

It had been far too long since the last time. I would need a couple of painkillers and some good antiseptics, along with plenty of time. But eventually, the bruises will fade off, and the cuts will scab. Thanks to my good immunity system, I healed fast. Soon, I will be good as new.

I meant the last phrase to soothe Coraline and Gerald’s worries, but if anything, it makes their respective scowls deeper.

“You didn’t answer my question right,” Gerald points out, looking impatient, “why were you two caught up in a bar fight?”

“It’s neither of our faults,” Coraline pauses her dabbing to give Gerald an imploring look. “We were just minding our own business, him talking with the bartenders and me dancing. There was a bunch of frat guys there, and one of them couldn’t clearly hold his alcohol in, so he was wasted. First, he tried to get. me to dance with him, and I humored him a bit because I didn’t realize he was a big douchebag. But then. he began to make advances on me, so I tried to leave the dancing area. And apparently, the idiot thought that meant I wanted to spend the night with his sorry ass.”

and I can’t help

was angling for a good time,” I clarify, “as in a one-night stand.”

anger was warranted. She had only wanted to have a good night out after coming face-to- face with her abusive ex-boyfriend’s dad who she never met, and that

by an asshole after that. I only wish

my big mouth shut and let Coraline handle herself, things would’ve gone down differently. Coraline also grumbled about this half-heartedly when she was hauling my

end fast. I don’t even remember half of what happened.

that bastard had touched Coraline in a smarmy way, and I just…I lost it, I guess. All I remember seeing is red, red, and

even throw the first punch. That was on him. He was the one who apparently thought that I was going to steal his new ‘girlfriend’. I was honestly

forceful, so Jace intervened,” she gives me a scathing look, “although I could’ve

“I was worked up because of everything that happened, and when I saw him have the fucking nerve

the whole fight? Also, did you get all

he got pissed. And then I asked him to let her go, again, a little more forcefully,” I may have even growled again, which was yet another

me think that

he mutters.

It all happened

something like this would happen. How much damage did you do,

took place on the floor for the most part.” Coraline starts to apply antiseptic to the wounds, and I

fellow bartenders didn’t let his friends intervene after Jace put the bastard down.” Coraline chirps, and Gerald’s eyes flash toward me, his surprise evident.

you won

a pout, “you don’t have to sound so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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