“Alright, Dad is going upstairs to rest. You should rest early too. Tom, it’s getting late. You should head home soon,” Jeremy Quest said before standing up and heading upstairs.

When Xyla Quest saw him leaving, she could not help but feel her heart aching on his behalf. It must have felt terrible to be betrayed by the person he trusted the most. It must have hurt even more to send the person he loved to jail.

After Jeremy left, Xyla began heading upstairs as well. It did not seem like she even wanted to speak to Tom Sullivan.

Alas, Xyla had seen through all of Tom’s tricks. He was an absolute jerk who did not even deserve to be looked at. However, just as Xyla arrived at the staircase, Tom immediately ran after her. He took one step further tip the stairs to stand in her way.

After a second, he wrapped his hands tightly around her shoulders.

“I was very worried about you after what happened to Imperial Prime. When I saw how well you handled the situation, I felt very happy for you. Why didn’t you reply to my messages? I was concerned about you,” Tom said.

Xyla felt disgusted by his touch and words of concern.

The things she liked the most in the past had become something she now hated the most.

frowned slightly before taking a step

I didn’t want to.” Xyla

Must you hurt me

Tom felt like a failure. However, the more distant

that he could

treat a

words ‘brother-in-law’ and ‘married woman’

me to behave?” Xyla

married is very ugly. Why are you with a man like that? Why would you torture yourself in such

and expensive flower in the mountains which could only ever

and hugged her tightly from

for divorce. I will look after you after you get divorced…” Tom

is about to get married. Don’t you think it’s funny when you said that?” Xyla felt utterly disgusted while she tried to push his hand away but failed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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