Richest Mogul

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Skylar’s initial impression of Annie, formed during their encounter at the club, had been somewhat favorable. After all, beauty tended to catch the eye. However, Annie’s recent investigation into Skylar had changed her opinion.

“Your foster family isn’t exactly well off. This one million dollars could really change their lives, Ms.

Sullivan. I suggest you consider the offer before it’s too late,” Annie said, visibly annoyed by Skylar’s cold response from earlier till now.

Just as Maisy had warned, Skylar’s greed knew no bounds. If not for her greed, the whole Williams family wouldn’t have disliked her either.

“A one million dollar check seems a bit tight, Ms. Silver. I pocketed several millions in cash just from some casual card games that night at the club. Is this one million check some sort of joke to you or Mr. Martin?” Skylar shot back, a faint smirk gracing her lips.

Since she was young, Skylar had a habit when dealing with people she wasn’t close to. If they treated her rudely when she was in a good mood, she would have simply brushed it off. But if she weren’t, she would be ruthless.

It wasn’t too obvious before she got reborn back in time. But now, why should she let this woman, Annie, get away with it?

“It was a few million dollars. Did he really give you all that cash?” Annie asked, surprised. She had heard from Rowan about Skylar’s Incredible luck that night. The other three had lost terribly.

At the time, Joe had indeed promised to cover the losses, and Skylar was to keep all the winnings. Originally just a courteous gesture, but unexpectedly, Joe followed through and handed Skylar the

e money.

compared to Joe’s casual spending of several million dollars. It only fueled her greed, Annie thought.


She didn’t know much about Joe either. Even if it hadn’t been her

obvious hostility and anger in her eyes. “Name your price.”

Silver, you’d better keep this check. If you ever want to kick someone out next time, you’ll

Skylar tapped the one million

provocation, Annie took a deep breath,

and when Joe gets tired of you, I’ll ensure you won’t survive a day in Jipsburg. I’ve dug up plenty on your foster family. Think long and hard. You’re not alone now. You’ve got

what you’re saying is, take the money and leave, or

16 Chapter 169

you could rule

her in a different light. Annie was no different from Maisy and the rest.

got it all figured

with such a young lass. She didn’t mind teaching Skylar a lesson if she refused to take the offer.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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