Richest Mogul

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Sadie blurted out everything on her mind to blame Janine for the Williams family’s


In her eyes, if Janine hadn’t failed to raise Skylar right, how would Skylar have neded. up as someone’s mistress instead of living as the Williams family’s heiress?

Sadie’s words struck Janine like a thunderbolt.

“You don’t deserve to be Skye’s mother. Instead of standing up for her when everyone else wrongly accuses her, you just add fuel to the fire! Do you think

everyone’s as low as you?” Janine shouted..

Sadie had been standing with her arms crossed. When she heard Janine, her hand.

shot up to slap the latter. But Janine was faster

The sound of a sharp slap echoed.

Sadie staggered back while holding her cheek. The disbelief written all over her face

was evident, even with her sunglasses on.

you hit me? Believe it or

anger. She sneered. “So what if I did

to be a mother.

better because you’re her real family, but now

than scum. You’re not worth an ounce of

to slap Janine back, but Janine reacted quickly and dodged.

You’re just a lowly worker! How dare you hit me?” Sadie’s disdain for Janine. was apparent. To her, anyone in the

Sadie’s eyes, people in the service industry were nothing but cheap, low–status, bottom–of–the–barrel

say the same about the Williams family’s money? Don’t act all high and mighty with me–you haven’t earned the right to

that, she turned

could never see eye to eye. She and Sadie were simply not

going to let her go that easily. “Wait! Who said you

anger getting the best of her, Sadie almost forgot the

see Janine in the first

her hand

is sleeping with, or you can

She’d never stoop to being

on Mr. Gardner Senior’s team all by herself.

as she stepped

follow Janine but stopped as a familiar socialite emerged from the elevator. Frustrated,

than Maisy called her. “Mom, I was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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