Richest Mogul

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Joe, Skylar, Jenny cheerfully greeted them.

Joe nodded. Skylar smiled and said, “Ms. Scott, you seem to be recovering well.”

“It’s all thanks to Camilla. She has taken good care of me. How come you two have time to come and see me today? Didn’t you go out to have fun?” Jenny casually scrutinized the two, then smiled subtly.


“He had a meeting today, so I went to the hotel’s aquarium for a few hours.” Skylar responded truthfully.

Jenny asked in a surprised tone, “Skylar, you went alone?”

Skylar smiled. “Yeah.”

Jenny suddenly felt the gloom that had clouded her heart dissipate. “Joe is indeed usually too busy. Skylar, don’t be angry at Joe,” she said,


how Jenny knew that she was angry when she answered her

Sometimes when we had meals together, he would rush to the airport and go on business trips at whims, Jenny

“Yeah, work is indeed important.”

Joe appears, people will be subconsciously afraid of him. Once, several of my high school classmates saw–Joe. He only took a

he complained to me that the way Joe looked at him was as if warning him that if he got just a little closer


at Joe. Was he unhappy to see male classmates with Jenny? Skylar was a little confused now. What exactly did he think

have thought too much. I’m like this with everyone.” Joe’s tone was naturally cold. But now, he spoke at the opportune moment, causing Jenny’s smile

didn’t know. Fortunately, after I explained it to him the next day, he got the peace of mind to go

did you think of Joe when you first saw

time, she was only thinking about that trash, Christopher. The first thing she thought of about Joe was probably…

handsome than a movie

up as he glanced at Skylar and asked “So, you wanted

she hadn’t been reborn, she and him would be like two parallel

brightly and said, “Indeed I did have such a bold

and asked, “What about you, Joe? Did you also think of marrying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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