Richest Mogul

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Andrew recalled something after sending the photo to Jeremy and flaunting


He blurred out Natalie but highlighted Skylar’s presence. He then posted on Instagram with a teasing caption, “Rarely do I find a woman I instantly want to sleep with, but she’s married, and to a detective no less.”

As soon as he posted it, comments flooded in.

“Married woman, huh? Go for it! Who can resist your charm, Mr. Hughes?”

“Just seeing her in a photo makes me want to sleep with her too. Damn it! It’s not fully dark yet.”

“There’s a girl around 18 in that new talent show who looks a lot like her. Maybe you should take a look.”

“I’ve noticed that girl before. No way, she’s not even close. Just in terms of demeanor, she can’t compare with her.”

The comment on Andrew’s Instagram post quickly turned into a barrage of crude jokes and suggestions.

Andrew to be bolder and pursue her. If he succeeded,

Rowan came across the post, he rubbed his eyes, thinking he might be


the fondue restaurant wasn’t like daytime brightness. But no one could resemble Skylar. At a glance, it was unmistakably

It was just…

commented, “Her husband’s a detective?”

did Skylar’s husband become a detective? Also, check out these comments. They’re already fantasizing about

to sleep with her.”

the spectacle without concern about its consequences. He

boldness wasn’t his forte. However, Andrew

in trouble before, Andrew seemed to have visited the

never expected Rowan to leave a comment on his Instagram post one day. It felt like a moment of personal triumph.

a detective. Tool bad. But I might

Rowan laughed so hard that he

from his mouth.

was mistaken

conversation and

after several minutes, he still hadn’t received a response from Joe. He thought that the workaholic was likely engrossed in his work

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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