Richest Mogul

Chapter 696

Chapter 696

Jenny had heard rumors that Skylar knew some metaphysics. Rowan had even asked her to help him. She could determine the negative energy surrounding

an item.

It sounded like a cool skill, but wasn’t Skylar just using it as a boast so Joe

would like her more?

Jenny’s jealousy of Skylar hit a new high,

Paul, Howard, and Drake left the room. Th

they weren’t interested in third–wheeling.

left the young couple alone as

When Paul walked out, he immediately saw Jenny. He asked, “Why are you here?”

“I called emergency services. They put me on an IV drip. I’ve just finished it, so I came out for a walk. Why are you in the hospital?” Jenny retorted. It was also a complaint about his heartlessness.

He’d asked her to call emergency services on the phone. How could he be shameless enough to ask her why she was in the hospital?

only person allowed to come? Why couldn’t Jenny make a

was much more familiar with the doctors here than Skylar,

she’d come to the hospital, they went to see her and arranged

and see


before saying, “Nothing much. I just needed to handle a few things here. Have you gone through the

necessary. I’ve gotten everything done,” answered

keeping Skylar’s hospitalization a secret, this meant that she

from her? Jenny had a feeling that Skylar’s injury wasn’t a regular one. If


She was preoccupied with pondering

protectiveness over Skylar was on another

to my room now. If you see Jo ‘ease let him know that I’d like to see him,” Jenny said as

on why he’d walked

was a deviation from her recent behavior. Jenny was right in front of Skylar’s hospital room. She’d seen Paul and Howard there. However, she


softly, “In the years since we’ve seen Jenny,

right. She

good thing or a bad thing,” Howard added with a raised

Joe hadn’t known Skylar, Jenny’s feelings might have a chance to be reciprocated. However,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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