Richest Mogul

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Skylar had barely slept the night before. Joe had used her as a human pillow, pinning her down and making it impossible for her to move. Furthermore, the heat was oppressive, like being trapped in a sauna during the summer.

She had to layer on concealer to hide the dark circles under her eyes and chugged a large cup of coffee just to function. Without it, she wasn’t sure how she’d get through the day.

“Don’t worry. I don’t mind the discomfort,” Joe replied quickly..

Skylar forced a tight smile.

The traffic was light, so she dropped Joe off at Martin Group and then headed to work.

The moment she clocked in, Steven and Charles called to check on Janine’s condition. They were swamped but promised to bring lunch later in the day.

Skylar dove into her

the office, ready to tackle the day’s tasks. Just as she was about to start repairs, Caleb burst in. “Skylar, come with me. My grandfather


Ruell girl. Although we’re not close, we’ve known each other for years and have some level of

senile, claiming I was out of touch and that those ancient artifacts couldn’t possibly be powerful. It’s infuriating! was

Jipsburg, few would dare disregard his authority. It was shocking that a

you. If they prefer to dive headfirst into trouble,

will happen. You’ve fulfilled your responsibility

didn’t want to stand idly by while some families in Jipsburg were schemed against. But after his warning was met with skepticism, he decided it was best to step back. Continuing to interfere would be seen as

for words. No matter how he tried to convince

was evident. It was the kind of frustration that came from being

previously told Denton about her observations at the auction, leading Denton to form a poor impression

Chapter 764

disinclined to discuss much further

is really getting old. How can he believe in such nonsense at his age?” Vera said, displeased.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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