Richest Mogul

Chapter 860

Chapter 860

“Rowan?” Vera echoed.

Vera had heard a bit about Rowan and Jenny’s situation and knew that Rowan was recently engaged. She couldn’t help but sneer internally. She had always suspected Jenny wasn’t as innocent as she seemed.

And now, seeing Rowan’s engagement, it was clear that Jenny was trying to use Rowan to her advantage.

“Alright, I’ll arrange it. I’ll let you know when it’s set up. When will you be discharged from the hospital?”

Jenny responded, “I should be discharged from the hospital by next week.”


In the hospital ward, Jenny stared at her phone, struggling to control her expression, She could hardly believe she had been completely shut out. Despite trying every possible way, Joe was ignoring her completely.

Moments ago, she had received a termination letter from her job.

Since she was still on probation, the company offered her compensation. Joe’s words were true–she could no longer see him.

she did,

as she humbled herself and sought his favor,

He must have.

He would have.

was determined to make Rowan call off the engagement. Then,

with her. The videos were taken under duress by Edwin. She had

a bottle of medication. The


me?” Jenny snapped, glaring at

nurse hadn’t expected Jenny to suddenly lose her temper, so she warily


the nurse finished and left, she shook

swings were faster than turning pages of a book. Previously, she had been very polite to the doctors and nurses, but

visitors during her hospital stay. Fortunately, she

he woke and saw that

Chapter 860

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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