Chapter 232 Impossible


After breakfast, Nicole took her son, drove the car, and dropped by to pick up Todd to visit the Gardner Residence.


It was the weekend, so there were fewer vehicles on the road. It was still morning when they arrived at the Gardner Residence.

As Nicole had talked to Anna beforehand, Nicole went in directly.

Anna and Wendy were sitting on the sofa in the living room.


Nicole was carrying her son while Todd followed them in.

On this day, Todd was not wearing casual clothes—he was wearing a decent suit. However, he still looked plump as his belly was round.

Anna did not expect Nicole would bring someone over, so she looked up in surprise.

is Mr. Grant’s assistant from

up as she remembered what Nicole had said before. Then, she smiled.

pleasantries, and her face was filled with joy. Remembering

left, Anna

used to be in the presence of upperclassmen, so he naturally sat on the sofa and put the suitcase on the

on the day of the event and I cannot let it out of my sight. Please forgive me,” Todd respectfully said as he

was luxurious

pink diamond and suitable for

Triton Studio’s jewelry long ago, Anna thought Nicole had failed as

jewelry to Anna today. The pink diamond was way better than the one rented by Queenie

her voice and said, “Mrs. Gardner, if Wendy likes my design, she can wear it with this jewelry. If she likes

have always liked your design. However, Miss Joanna’s design is more suitable for the jewelry sent by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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