Chapter 242 Don’t Worry


Nicole took a sip of tea to calm herself down, and she suppressed her desire for vulgarities. “Didn’t he suspect anything?” she asked after a while.


“Obviously not! He believes he did this to me while under the influence of alcohol and is now very concerned about me!”

Nicole lowered her head and took another sip of tea quietly. That guy is so unlucky to have met Julia, she thought.

She coughed lightly and intended to change the subject. After all, everything Julia said was outside of Nicole’s norms. “So you came back with him this time?” she inquired, raising her gaze.


Julia nodded. “It’s been a few months since we got together. All of his relatives are in the country, and since he’s returning to attend a banquet, we decided to meet his parents as well.”

Nicole sighed in response. She had not expected the couple’s progress to be so rapid, with them getting together so soon after they met and even meeting with his parents now.

But she couldn’t say anything about it. As a result, she could only say with her lips pursed, “I wish you happiness.”

me to a fun place later. I asked around about it before I

indecent smile, Nicole couldn’t help but ask,

irritated by Nicole’s skeptical expression and she clutched her

manner. “Okay, okay. Stop it. I’ll go anywhere with you,” she said quickly while waving her

Julia smiled,

year and as a result, they

talking. Nicole, on the other hand, was the listener who occasionally responded in a

three full jars of water for

dejected after leaving the Gardner Residence. She had chills all over her body and felt

searched Triton Studio to ensure that such a person existed. But it turned out that he had

importantly, Nicole had exposed her in front of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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