Chapter 244 In the Bar


Julia gave a nod. “Yes. He’s both my senior and my boyfriend. Isn’t he attractive?”


Her face was filled with happiness when she spoke.

Nicole nodded in agreement. Indeed, there was nothing to complain about Richard’s appearance—he was a handsome man.

After a while, he was joined by another man. This guy was tall, but his solemn expression clashed with the lively atmosphere of the bar.


Julia was the first to notice him. Tugging on Nicole’s arm, she said, “Look, Nicole! Another fine gentleman. Friends of a handsome man are always good looking as well.”

She continued to shake her head and mumble after her words.

Nicole, on the other hand, recognised the man as Colton just by taking a look at his figure.

Even in the bar, Colton exuded a cold and aloof aura. Much like a statue, he sat there with his lips pursed and said nothing.

on the other hand, looked like he was

and Richard together in a

the president of the Gardner Corporation,” Nicole said

when she heard that. “How do you know?” she asked

the Gardner Corporation this time. I’ve even met your


in response. Now she knew that Julia had followed

unnecessary now that you’ve

you asked me here just for this? For me to see your boyfriend”

Isn’t this fun?” Julia

remained silent. After all, Julia was preoccupied with her

want to go

can just stay here. It’s enough for me to just look at him from a

as she

“I think you’re just worried about him coming to the bar and

denied, but it was as if she were lying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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