Chapter 297 Marry Me


Following that, Zachary buried his head into Nicole’s shoulders as his voice trembled. “Nicole, I’m scared. When I tried to pursue you back then, I didn’t care about how you reacted because I knew that even if you rejected me, you wouldn’t have accepted anyone else. But now, things have changed. You and Colton share Hayden now… I…”


Nicole was a little amused hearing the trembling voice by her ear. She knew exactly what he wanted to say and lightly pushed him away before consoling in a serious tone, “Zach, I don’t like Colton. Even if the Gardners acknowledge Hayden as a part of their family, I won’t move in with them.”

As soon as he heard this, his tense face had finally eased a little.

His eyes were slowly taken over by seriousness and his fear dissipated as he bluntly proposed. “Nicole, will you marry me?”


Taken aback by his sudden proposal, she looked at the man before her with a confused and strange look.

However, Zachary continued to grasp both of her hands and urged, “Nicole, I didn’t feel any sense of urgency before this, thinking that I could take my time with you. But now, I’m worried that if I don’t hold onto you, I might lose you.”

his face as her throat tightened. He’s afraid

won’t fall for

Zachary whom she understood had sacrificed a lot for

if her words were earth-shattering, he lifted his head in disbelief, and his lips began to waver

the first time that he had

a joyous face. “Nicole, that’s great. I-I don’t even know what to

reached out to hug him

anything up for me. You can do whatever you like, be it F&M

few steps back and nodded. “I understand. I need to be

aback by his interpretation. However, she brushed

in now, it would be difficult to even fend for her at all. Just like what had happened

he reached the top, no one could walk over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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